Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Important Facts About Insomnia

Blame it on fast-paced life which causes inappropriate eating habits, too-much tensions & worries, and less rest, Insomnia has become a common disorder, these days. According to a research study conducted by the National Center on Sleep Disorders about 30 to 40 % of adults experience symptoms of insomnia once a year. Out of this, about 10 to 15% adults experience chronic or severe insomnia. The victims of insomnia are both men and women for all ages, however the ratio of female sufferers are more in comparison to males.
The prime factors of insomnia are unhealthy lifestyle, disturbing medical conditions, stress, anxiety psychiatric conditions and medications. People suffering form insomnia usually complaint of difficulty in falling asleep, waking up frequently during the hours of sleep, inability to get back to sleep once disturbed, drowsiness during the daytime and too much irritation. Persistence of insomnia symptoms may cause many kinds of mental as well as psychiatric disorders like depression, diabetes, and heart diseases.

With the advancement of medicine, many new techniques have been developed to monitor the kind of sleep and treat symptoms of insomnia. Depending on the root cause of the problem, insomnia treatment procedure can be decided by a trained physician. The symptoms of insomnia can be effectively controlled by making lifestyle changes such as doing exercises, taking long walks, eliminating smoking and drinking habits etc. Medication is becoming a popular therapy to seek mental peace and improving the body’s inner energy to tackle everyday’s difficulties.

1 comment:

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